Trying to migrate a Oracle 11g database results in the following error logs
1. Trying the migration wizard the first time fails with
2. Trying the migration wizard afterwards results in
1. Install Oracle 18c XE
Install Oracle 18c XE on a second PC (let’s called it PC2) (minimum 8GB RAM, recommended 16GB RAM, not recommended 32+GB RAM – potential Oracle database installation problems)
a. Download installer from (requires Oracle account)
b. Install Oracle 18c XE database and remember system password for following steps
2. Migrate metkit schema from Oracle 11g to 18c
a. Prepare METKIT_yyyy-mm-dd.dmp dump file using MetIDQ backup manager on PC1 (where Oracle 11g is installed)
b. Download and extract on PC2 (please see the attachment)
c. Copy just created METKIT_yyyy-mm-dd.dmp from PC1 to just extracted ImportDumpFile folder on PC2 and rename it to metkit.dmp
From PC1:
to PC2:
d. Run import_metkit.bat as administrator on PC2
e. When prompted enter the system password defined during install of Oracle 18c XE and press ENTER
f. When prompted check installation directory (should be like C:\app\user\product\18....), type “y” and press ENTER
g. In the end it should say
h. Press any key to close the Metkit import dialog
3. Fix metkit schema in case the migration already failed (can be ommited when migration was never tried on Oracle 11g)
- Download on PC2 and extract it.
- Run fix_database.bat as admin
a. When prompted enter the system password defined during install of Oracle 18c XE and press ENTER
b. When prompted check installation directory (should be like C:\app\user\product\18....), type “y” and press ENTER
4. Continue with MetIDQ to WebIDQ migration wizard on PC2